is fully committed to being part of the solution when it comes to creating, building and delivering communities. We believe that a community is a comprehensive built environment that addresses all aspects of people and place. The process of assembling a community is just as attentive to the impact on the lives of its future residents as it is upon the building and selling of homes and places of work, worship, and recreation. desires to balance the necessary attention between both the short and long term aspects of community building. Short term aspects are tied to fiscal responsibility, while long term aspects are focused on creating places for people to grow. Both are important - both are required in order to ensure healthy decision making.
Our Mission
In order to achieve effective community building, we follow these core values:
Communities must enhance their stewardship relationships between people, place and nature.
Communities must facilitate the unifying of mind, body, and spirit.
Communities must contribute towards the financial sustainability of family, community, municipality.
Communities must provide a market reflective environment where both time and space are invested.
Communities must value design that seeks the common good and the public realm ahead of the bottom line.
The system for producing these types of communities must be scalable and reproducible.
““Space is what development creates.
Place is what human engagement, within space, creates.”
Zoning Summit - 2015 (Provo, Utah)
DNA for Delivering Place: Answering WHY
DNA for Delivering Place: Answering HOW
Cities of Zion: Mormon Town Planning in the American West
Lecture, given by Professor John W. Reps of Cornell University, discussing the history of community building associated with early Mormon settlers.
Contact information
Phone: (801) 382-9292